
Being aware that tourist accommodations are environments with high traffic of people and whose coexistence is close (especially in winter periods), they could be points where the presence or transmission of cases of the virus is easier to declare. For this reason, we are sure that it is convenient to take into account primary prevention measures to reduce the probability of the spread of cases of illness among clients and workers.

The measures carried out in the tourist accommodation controlled by our company, supervised by the prevention services in any case, are the following:
- In the moment of the check-in of clients, all information on the measures taken and recommendations are provided voluntarily and depending on how the situation evolves, clients may have generic information about what the coronavirus is and how to protect
themselves against it. It can be consulted at: - To avoid infections between clients and company personnel, it is recommended to keep the minimum distance recommended by the health authorities and in case it is not possible to wear the masks, avoid hugging, kissing or shaking hands. It is also recommended not to share objects (such as payment cards, tickets, pens, etc.) and if this had a place a hand disinfection will be performed.
- Each apartment will have gel or disinfectant solution, mask and gloves for all guests, disposable tissues and trash cans with a pedal-operated lid in the bathroom.
- Cleaning and disinfection of facilities such as: surfaces, door knobs, furniture, sinks, floors, telephones, etc. For this action, household bleach is used and an alcohol-based disinfectant preparation (sanitary recommendations), with extreme measures to protect against chemical agents.
- Textile garments (such as bedding, towels, etc.) are mechanically washed in full wash cycles at 60-90ºC. Gloves will be used to handle “dirty” textiles. “Clean” garments will be stored safely avoiding possible contagion.
- Adequate ventilation is carried out in all apartments and air disinfection is carried out by the UV ozone lamp.
- Cleaning staff use vinyl / acrylonitrile gloves, face masks, face shields, and disposable gowns to prevent infection.
- The disinfection and operation of all dishwashers, washing machines and household appliances are checked, so that the temperatures to be reached are correct and their operation is adequate and safe.
- The operation of soap dispensers, disinfectant gel, disposable paper, etc. will also be reviewed, proceeding to repair or replace those equipment that present faults.
- It is recommended to keep the air conditioning in an ambient temperature between 23 – 26ºC, ensuring sufficient air renewal. The air conditioning system should be checked and especially the cleaning of filters.
- All the actions carried out in a book or agenda for the record of preventive hygiene actions are noted, specifying the date, time, responsible persons, etc., and keeping all the documentation that may be generated: cleaning parts, external controls of maintenance, service delivery notes etc.
General recommendations to the traveler / tourist:
According to the WHO, public health authorities provide travelers with information to reduce the general risk of acute respiratory infections, through health professionals, traveler care consultations, travel agencies, transport operators and at entry points. at borders. The information is changing, consult it at:
Personal hygiene measures for guests:
It is recommended to carry out frequent hand hygiene (washing with soap and water or alcoholic solutions), especially after having direct contact with sick people or their surroundings.
Close contact should be avoided and a distance of more than one meter should be maintained with people with catarrhal symptoms (runny nose, nasal or conjunctival congestion, dry or productive cough, tearing, feverish appearance).
Apart from wearing the masks when going out to a public place, it is mandatory to keep the interpersonal distance of 1.5-2 m and cover the mouth and nose with disposable tissues when coughing or sneezing and washing your hands.
It is also recommended to avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth, since the hands facilitate their transmission.
During your stay in the apartment, it is advisable to carry out daily ventilation of the premises and to clean potentially contaminated surfaces (everything that people touch routinely: buttons, knobs, doors, railings, counters, taps, etc.) using for this the cleaning products offered by the company.
For the accessibility of common areas (such as swimming pools, children’s areas, green areas, corridors, parking lots, etc.) in the urbanizations, the corresponding administration and the owners’ board are responsible and these bodies establish their rules and facilitate access according to their regulations and agreements. Pools are generally set open with a limited forum for bathers and busy loungers. Likewise, the children’s areas are accessible respecting the rules of hygiene and personal distance.
No special precautions with animals or food should be taken to avoid this infection.
In case of suspicion of suffering the disease:
If you start to have symptoms compatible with the disease (cough, fever, feeling of shortness of breath, etc.) and you have come from a risk area or have been in contact * with a diagnosed person, call 112 or to the health services or to the corresponding telephone or health center whose numbers are in your accommodation.
Until the health authorities intervene, respiratory hygiene measures (covering the mouth with a flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing …), hand washing and social distancing (avoid contact or closeness to other people) should be extreme. You must wear a mask (you will find it at your accommodation and it will be delivered to you upon arrival). It is recommended to stay in an isolated, calm room with good ventilation, preferably outdoors and with the door closed. If this is not possible, you should stay at one end of the room more than 2 meters from other people and if possible with physical separation through screens or screens.

Putting on a surgical mask when you have respiratory symptoms is the first measure of protection for others!
* The definition of case and contact may change. Always refer to the latest definition available in the document “Procedure for dealing with SARS-CoV-2 disease (COVID-19)”: to other people.